MLM: A Hope for Sub-Saharan Africa

MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) is recognized as one of the world's most powerful industries in terms of life-changing potential. Today, it is considered a lifeline for populations seeking a more stable, peaceful, and dignified life.For example, let’s look at certain regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, where this innovative economic model has proven effective. Let’s delve deeper into the specific characteristics of this part of the world.

The Economic Context in Sub-Saharan Africa

1- Overview
Some reports from governmental and non-governmental international organizations show that economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is rebounding.

This is undoubtedly a good sign for a better future, but it is far from a solution. In fact, the debt burden remains heavy, and conflicts of various kinds persist.

Wouldn’t it be wise to focus reform efforts on what is most essential: humanity?

2- What about MLM?

Despite slow economic growth over the past 30 years, Sub-Saharan Africa has not been able to curb poverty.

Poverty leads to food insecurity, poor health and education services, and a lack of dignity and hope for the future.

All these social plagues have led to the perilous situations the world faces today. One current example is the surge in Sub-Saharan migration to the North.

This brings us to the living conditions of Sub-Saharan citizens.

This is where MLM steps in. On its own, it changes lives and restores hope to thousands of people.

Let’s discover how humans are the very essence of this industry!

MLM's Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa

The MLM profession, also known as Network Marketing, stands out as one of the most significant opportunities for the Sub-Saharan population.

Beyond its lucrative benefits, it instills values and nurtures visions, providing all the tools and means to achieve them. Each individual is thus capable of changing and improving.

A person fueled by values, confidence, and hope is a success in itself.

Sub-Saharan Africa remains struck by gender inequality, rising unemployment, poverty, a lack of visibility, and social instability. However, the population is more determined than ever to build a brighter future. A challenge that aligns perfectly with MLM’s attributes.

Moreover, MLM does not have the limited employability rate typical of traditional sales models. It is based primarily on the continuous and exponential creation of jobs, requiring neither intellectual background nor financial risk.

At ARVEA, these ambitions drive our daily work. Our commitment to people grows stronger by the day. In fact, we can proudly speak of a real success story.

We reveal all its twists and turns to you. It could inspire you to start anew, embrace a new vision, or take on a new challenge.

ARVEA in Africa: Success Stories
ARVEA at a Glance

ARVEA Nature is an international company that produces beauty and wellness products.

It formulates and sells four ranges of products: natural cosmetics, makeup, perfume, and dietary supplements.

All products are exclusively based on argan oil and Aloe vera.

Since its creation in 2013 by Mr. Sadok LARIBI, the brand has spared no effort in promoting the flexible and intelligent creation of jobs. It creates and offers independent business opportunities to anyone in need. ARVEA also opens its doors to those simply looking to experiment with entrepreneurship.
1- Success Stories

ARVEA’s business concept is based solely on the direct and retail sale of its products. This type of marketing is done exclusively through distributors, whom the brand calls "Partners."

Indeed, within the ARVEA Partner network, there are success stories demonstrating the efficiency of this business model for various situations:
- Those facing extremely difficult financial situations,
- Women on the brink,
- Students unable to finance their studies,
- Unemployed graduates with no clear vision of the future,
- Illiterate individuals and people from disadvantaged regions, often sidelined and stripped of self-confidence.
- There are even ARVEA partners who, despite relatively comfortable social situations, chose to radically change their lives, seeking more money, flexibility, or social recognition.

Even among the ARVEA success stories, there are partners whose social situations are relatively comfortable. However, they have chosen to change their lives by 180°, seeking more money, flexibility, and/or social recognition.

Do you see yourself in one of these categories?

Think about it! What if the next success story were yours?

All of this leads us to view MLM as a beacon for any disoriented human being.

However, succeeding in this profession requires a lot of discipline, hard work, perseverance, empathy, and love. Founder Mr. Sadok LARIBI talks about it in this episode of the ARVEA Business podcast.

We would like to point out that the brand confirms its commitment to Sub-Saharan Africa. It expresses its firm belief in the region’s potential by establishing itself in Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso.

That said, we do not claim that the brand alone will solve all the ills of these fragile populations:

We realize that what we do is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop did not exist, it would be missed.

Mother Teresa 

A Little Reading for the Curious:


Global Direct Selling Statistics

What do young Africans need?